Get Started

Start screening with the Common Mechanism

The Common Mechanism is under active development. Version 0.1.0 of the commec package can be installed now ― a full setup guide is available on the Github wiki.


A validated screening solution

  • Meets and exceeds new screening guidance

  • Passes forthcoming Bronze Standard test set

  • Tested against real customer order streams

Configurable for sensitivity and speed

  • Runs a biorisk scan in seconds with under 1Gb of curated databases

  • Makes crucial calls on challenging sequences with the full power of the software

Screen your sequences on your terms

  • Free and open-source software and sequence databases

  • Runs locally to preserve control and privacy

Future-proof your biosecurity

  • Fully extensible with your custom databases

  • Proven resilience to AI-generated challenges

Installing the Common Mechanism

Our technical staff and consultants are available to support users of our sequence screening software and are happy to guide you through the installation process.